In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

> I know I'm missing something here, but this code just looks to me like I
> shloud be doing it a better way..
> Any ideas?
> # -N
> print "Number of Hosts?  ";
> # get user input and strip off "CR-LF"
> chomp($n=<>);
> $intel_num_hosts = join (" ", "-N",$n);
> # if user did not enter a value, dont put the "-N" in
> if ($n eq ""){ $intel_num_hosts = ""}
> # -n
> print "Number of processes?  ";
> chomp($n=<>);
> $intel_num_procs = join (" ", "-n",$n);
> if ($n eq ""){ $intel_num_procs = ""}

Here's my version (corrections, improvements welcome); it's longer (not sure 
that's what you wanted), but it does a little error-checking...

my $intel_num_hosts = '';
my $num_hosts = get_input("Number of hosts? ");
$intel_num_hosts = join (" ", "-N", $num_hosts) if $num_hosts;

my $intel_num_procs = '';
my $num_procs = get_input("Number of processes? ");
$intel_num_procs = join (" ", "-n", $num_procs) if $num_procs;

sub get_input {
   my $prompt = shift;
   my $input =''; my $err_cnt = 0;
      print $prompt;
      chomp($input = <STDIN>);
      unless ($input =~ /^[^\D]+/ or $input eq '') {
         die "Invalid input, exiting\n" if ++$err_cnt > 2;
   return $input;


Kevin Pfeiffer
International University Bremen

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