> Hi all,


> I have downloaded and installed perl with apache and php
> Here are the readme file folders for each part of the packaged file 
> Perl-5.8-win32-bin-0.1.exe
> openssl-0.9.6h
> php-4.23
> mod_perl-2.0
> httpd-2.0.43
> AP804_source
> I have apache running ok and perl,  but I can't get the hello 
> world file for 
> php to display Hello World
> <html><body>
> <?php
> $myvar = "Hello World";
> echo $myvar;
> ?>
> </body></html>

Basically you'd probably have to ask a php list why it's not working or just not use 
Php blows and when we upgraded to apache 2 php had a big prob;em running so we had to 
go back to the previouse apache version since we had 1 customer that used php for 
That's been a while ago though so I'm sure that bug has been squashed.

But I've my life asa sysadmin/ web developer to be so much easier to use Perl 
exclusively and avoid php all together.

Perl does everything it does plus about a zillion other things.



> I've uncommented these lines in my Apache2 httpd.conf file
> # Uncomment the following for php
> LoadFile "C:/Apache2/bin/php4ts.dll"
> LoadModule php4_module modules/php4apache2.dll
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> Also the Paths to Perl and Apache are in my autoexec.bat 
> file. The .dll files for php are in the apache2/bin folder.
> What else should I check for?  

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