Adam Gent wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to find a way, to place a security code image on to a web form,
so that the user, has to copy the text from the image into a text field
before they can continue, similar to hotmail, paypal etc

I have been looking around the web and on CPAN for a solution to this, but
can not find anything, I was hopping that someone else may have already have
a solution to this, or have some thoughts on how it could be done.

Not sure about pre-written examples, I imagine it is a pretty specific type of thing so a generic solution may end up being hard to come by. Theoretically all you need is some way to generate the text, a session ID hashed, or something, and allow it to be re-generated after submission, aka it can't just be random unless you store it somehow, but if that is done client side then it can be spoofed, obviously. Then you can use one of the standard on-the-fly image generation modules available on CPAN, such as Image::Magick or GD, to generate the image, you can even add speckles, etc. to make it harder to automate.

Then someway to re-generate the string to make sure the user entered the correct value. That or you could pre-generate a series of images and choose one at random, but again you have to know how to verify the correct value and this is less secure than generating a unique image for every session....

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