: foreach my $keyer  (@keysarray) {
:  if ($condorhash{$keyer} eq "FINISHED" ) {delete $condorhash{$keyer}};

:  if ($condorhash{$keyer} eq "STARTED")   {$condorhash{$keyer} =
:  if ($condorhash{$keyer} eq "VACATING")  {$condorhash{$keyer} =
:  if ($condorhash{$keyer} eq "QUEUED")    {$condorhash{$keyer} =
"font({-color=>'dark blue'}QUEUED)"};
:     }
: It doesn't work and I am not completely sure why. I think I 
: am missing something small here but I am not sure what. Please help!

    You don't say what you mean by "doesn't work"
so we can only guess. Assuming that 'font' is an
imported function from CGI.pm and that STARTED,
VACATING, and QUEUED are not constants:

$condorhash{$keyer} = font( { color => 'green' }, 'STARTED'  )
    if $condorhash{$keyer} eq 'STARTED';

$condorhash{$keyer} = font( { color => 'red'   }, 'VACATING' )
    if $condorhash{$keyer} eq 'VACATING';

$condorhash{$keyer} = font( { color => 'navy'  }, 'QUEUED'   )
    if $condorhash{$keyer} eq 'QUEUED';

    A more flexible method would be to use CSS
and classes. It will also avoid the usually
deprecated <font> tag. With CSS you or someone
else can change colors without opening the hood
on your script.

in the imported CSS file:

    /* server states

     white   = #ffffff       maroon  = #800000
     black   = #000000       navy    = #000080
     aqua    = #00ffff       olive   = #808000
     blue    = #0000ff       purple  = #800080
     fuchsia = #ff00ff       red     = #ff0000
     gray    = #808080       silver  = #c0c0c0
     green   = #008000       teal    = #008080
     lime    = #00ff00       yellow  = #ffff00


    .started  { color: green; }
    .vacating { color: red;   }
    .queued   { color: navy;  }

In the foreach:

$condorhash{$keyer} = span( { class => 'started' },  'STARTED' )
    if $condorhash{$keyer} eq 'STARTED';

$condorhash{$keyer} = span( { class => 'vacating' }, 'VACATING')
    if $condorhash{$keyer} eq 'VACATING';

$condorhash{$keyer} = span( { class => 'queued' },   'QUEUED'  )
    if $condorhash{$keyer} eq 'QUEUED';

    You could also take advantage of the aliasing in
foreach to shorten your statements:

delete @condorhash{ grep $condorhash{$_} eq 'FINISHED', keys %condorhash

foreach my $state ( values %condorhash ) {
    if ( $state eq 'STARTED' ) {
        $state = span( { class => 'started'  }, 'STARTED'  );

    } elsif ( $state eq 'VACATING' ) {
        $state = span( { class => 'vacating' }, 'VACATING' );

    } elsif ( $state eq 'QUEUED' ) {
        $state = span( { class => 'queued'   }, 'QUEUED'   );

    Or, if it you think it is legible:

# delete FINISHED states
delete @condorhash{ grep $condorhash{$_} eq 'FINISHED', keys %condorhash

# "classify" STARTED, VACATING, and QUEUED states
$_ = span( { class => lc $_  }, $_  )
                grep $_ =~ /^(?:STARTED|VACATING|QUEUED)$/,
                        values %condorhash;


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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