I think instead of /$trip/ you ought to use /\Q$trip\E/

Check out the "Quote and Quote-like Operators" section of perlop.

On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 14:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am trying to get this written for a presentation in the morning (gotta
> love it when the boss dumps a pile of stuff with 3 hours left in the day)
> and I have a massive file that is a flat file database (| delimited) that I
> need to sort through to get all the *** entries out of.  The file format is
> this:
> sub Itemslist 
> {
>  $database_file = "/home/web/sales/info/salesa1";
>  $trip = "***";
>  open(INF,$database_file) or dienice("Can't open $database_file: $! \n");
>  @grok = <INF>;
>  close(INF);
>  $file1 = "/home/web/sales/itemlist.html";
>  open (FILE, ">$file1") || die "Can't write to $file1 : error $!\n";
>  print FILE "<html><head><title>*** Item List</title></head><body
> bgcolor=white text=black>\n<table border=1>\n<tr><td><B>Item
> Num</B></td><td><B>Description</B></td><td><B>B2</B></td><td><B>Cat
> Code</B></td><td><B>Vendor Num</B></td></tr>\n";
>  foreach $i (@grok)
>  {
>  if ($i =~/$trip/)
>   {
>    chomp($i);
>    ($item_num,$item_desc,$b1,$b2,$b3,$b4,$cat_code,$vend_num) =
> split(/\|/,$i);
>    print FILE
> "<tr><td>$item_num</td><td>$item_desc</td><td>$b2</td><td>$cat_code</td><td>
> $vend_num</td></tr>\n";
>   }
>  }
>  print FILE "</table></body</html>\n";
> }
> --------------------------------------------
> The ***  I have tried to escape with \*\*\* and /\*/\*/\*
> The entries is the $item_desc that contains the *** and when it DOES find
> one, it needs to print it out to the file, the others it needs to ignore.
> Robert
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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