On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Dan Muey wrote:

> > >  print $a->header('text/html');
> > 
> > Even after removing all the arguments inside the header i got 
> > the same 
> > error.This is true even without specifying new line as in the 
> > second case.
> Ok then, make sure there's no output before that header() line.
> Make sure the web server is configured properly to run the script 
> the way you're expecting and that you'e script is configured to 
> run properly.

When i run the below code there is no problem for me.The server do not show 
any error message.

#perl reads the form data through the STDIN using the env,variable $ENV
print "Content-Type:text/html\n\n";
print "<html>\n";
print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html 
#All the post parameters are separated by &
foreach $pair(@pairs)
  #every hex pair is back equivalent to its ascii;
foreach $key(keys %form)
  print qq/$key $form{$key}\n/;

> What is the output form the command line?

I executed the script in the command line as

perl cgi1.pl name="mks"

and i got the output as below.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1



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