On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 15:18:39 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> FYI: I have been doing perl for about two weeks, so if my answer screws you up, 
> don't sue me please! :D
> You would do something like this:
> foreach my $string (<file>) 
> {
>       system "cmd del *string*";
> }
> I believe that is right. But even if I am, some of these other guys will show you a 
> better way.

While that *might* work you should definitely avoid this approach if at all possible. 
There are a number of reasons to,

a) avoid shelling out if possible (read: last resort), for all of the normal reasons 
that I suggest people not shell out, insecure, not portable, inefficient, error 
prone...yada, yada, yada...

b) using the "*string*" approach could get ugly (read: insecure, dangerous) real 
quick. What happens when 'string' is empty because someone left a blank line in the 
file (ouch)....

> -----Original Message-----
> From: perlwannabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 3:04 PM
> Subject: deleting files from the directory from a file list. Please
> Help!
> Here is my problem.  I want to delete the files contained in a directory
> from a list contained in a file.  Here is an example:
> The input file is a regular text file in the following format (call it
> myfile.txt);
> item1
> item2
> item3
> item4
> ....
> What I want to do is look in a directory and delete any file in the
> directory that contains any item on the list.  For example, lets say the
> contents of the directory looks like this:
> 07/24/2003  01:27 AM             3,812 heresanitem1
> 07/24/2003  10:42 PM           912,126 heretoitem2
> 07/14/2003  12:19 AM               234 item3ishere
> 06/12/2003  10:25 PM            34,049 leavemealone
> 06/12/2003  10:25 PM            16,683 leavemealonetoo
> 07/22/2003  11:36 PM             1,825 yupitem4yup
> ....
> I would like to read each line of the file from "myfile.txt" [getline() I
> suppose] and then delete the files that have ANY MATCHING information from
> the input file.  So if the input file has "item1" it will delete the file
> "heresanitem1" as well as "alsoitem1aswell" from the directory.  So when I
> run the script the sample directory above will look like this:
> 06/12/2003  10:25 PM            34,049 leavemealone
> 06/12/2003  10:25 PM            16,683 leavemealonetoo
> ....
> This problem has been tough for me.  I have read everything I can get my
> hands on concerning unlink but I cannot get this problem solved.  Any help
> appreciated.

I have not seen the answers given in the newsgroup but possibly a looping use of 
File::Find combined with an 'unlink'... 

What have you tried?  What has failed? Do you know why?


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