Sayeed Mohammed wrote:
> Hello,


> I am trying to process a log file. The format of log file is something like
> this:
> datetime    code    Action    Description
> The file can be between 100-200MB. The problem is that we don't know the
> code numbers in advance.
> I want to count the number of times each code entry occurred in the file.
> I would like to get the output in this format:
> Code        Count
> Code#1    xxx times
> Code#2    yyy time
> ..
> and so on.
> Should I make an array of each unique code and count its occurance or is
> there a better way to do it?

Use a hash for the code count:

my %code_count;

while ( <LOG> ) {
    my $code = get_code_number_somehow();
    $code_count{ $code }++;

print "Code        Count\n";
for my $code ( keys %code_count ) {
    printf "%-12s%s\n" $code, $code_count{ $code };


use Perl;

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