On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, John W. Krahn wrote:

> > 
> > This may be a bit off topic, but I'll ask it..
> > 
> > I have a perl job I want to run out of a cron job, However cron is not
> > reading my .cshrc file by default.
> That is the way cron works.  It has a VERY limited environment.
> > So what I have to do is "wrap" the perl
> > job in a tcsh shell and then run the shell file out of cron.
> You don't have to do it that way.
> > Is there a better way? Or maybe the real question is should I be
> > "hardcoding" the var's out of my .cshrc file in my perl script? I think
> > this may be a bad thing to do, but isn't this what I'm doing in the .cshrc
> > file?
> Use an absolute (full) path for every file like
> 'c:/windows/system/somefile.dat' on Windows or
> '/usr/local/share/somefile.dat' on Unix.  If you need environment
> variables then set then up through the %ENV hash like $ENV{PATH} =
> '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'.
> John
Thanks John.. You have given me a lot to think about.. What I'm finding 
out is that the application I'm writing the perl script for is showing 
it's limitations..


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