Hello all I have a script that reads in a control file
that list a dir. to
change to inside the control file I have

Dir: /cf/courseware

The part of the Perl script that I run to pull in that
info is

# Open the control file or log
my $control_file= "/home/qgriff/FTP.CTL";
 unless ( open CTL, $control_file ) { $log->write(
"<Error> Could not open
$control_file: $!");
 exit 1;

my ($site, $user, $password, $dir, $file );
my $stanza = 0;
  while ( <CTL> ) {
    #skip all comments
    next if /^\s*#/;
    #skip blank lines
    next unless length;
#Check to see the control file has the site listed and
pass it to $site
    if ( /^Site:\s+(\w+)/ ) {
       $site = $1;
       $stanza = 1;
       ($user, $password, $dir, $file ) = ('', '', '',
'' );
         if ($stanza) {
           $user = $1 if /^User:\s+(\w+)/;
           $password = $1 if /^Password:\s+(\w+)/;
           <b>$dir = $1 if /^Dir:\s+(\W\w+\W\w+)/;</b>
           $file = $1 if /^File:\s+(.+)$/;
             if ( $user && $password && $dir && $file ) {
             #Exit the loop
             $stanza = 0;
                         #Submit the job for the real work
             &submit_job($site, $user, $password, $dir,

This line is what I am having an issue with $dir = $1
That will match /your/path but it will not match /your
or /your/path/is.  Is
there a better reg.exp. I can use that will match
anything with a / in and
everything after it so I can have /your our /your/path
or even a dir. ten
levels deep and it will still match it?

Thank you for your time.

Quenten Griffith
Unix System Admin.

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