Howdy all am I thinking of this corretcly:
According to:

If I have a file called it will run that script as teste of the installation.

So if they do by hand:
 perl Makefile.PL # create make file
 make             # use Makefile
 make test        # runs
 make install     # if I want to install

Now if they leave out make test then they are on their own.
But if I put this in and it fails then they'll 
see that it failed and know not to go further, right?: :
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w     
 use strict;
 eval {
        use CGI qw(:standard);
        use DBI;
 if($@) { print "Error: you are mjissing module you pansy!\n"; }
 else { print "Test Ok\n"; }

So if one of those modules are not installed make test will give them my erro message.

Is that correct?

Or is there a better way to insure any modules it uses are 
installed/try to install them if not/and fail if they can't be found or installed?
Either via the make dance or via CPAN ?

Documentation on this specific subject welcome also, I looked at what others pointed 
me tooo but it didn't address it specifically.



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