From: Richard Heintze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is this an appropriate place to post questions on
> Win32::ODBC/MSAccess 2000/Perl 5.6 cgi/Apache HTTPD? 

Yes. For CGI related questions [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be 
better, but since this one is not related to CGI at all ...

> If not, can someone directe me to an appropriate FAQ
> or mailinglist or newsgroup?
> I've been struggling with specifying zero length
> strings in SQL. Nothing seems to work.
> I've tried 
> $Data->Sql(qq[UPDATE Suspect SET Name = "" WHERE
> CaseNumber = $sCaseNumber AND  Number = 33]);
> and 
> $Data->Sql(qq[UPDATE Suspect SET Name = '' WHERE
> CaseNumber = $sCaseNumber AND  Number = 33]);
> These statements both give me syntax errors from the
> ODBC driver.

Are you sure the $sCaseNumber contains a number?
Try to print the SQL and see:

print qq[UPDATE Suspect SET Name = '' WHERE CaseNumber = $sCaseNumber 
AND  Number = 33];

Does this look correct?

> I've also tried using the prepare and bind_param
> functions apparently these are not implemented -- they
> are not in the documentation.

IMHO you'd better use DBI+DBD::ODBC.

===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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