On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 16:44:59 +0100, "Mace, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to start using cookies to store user session information and build associated 
> privileges on
> web pages. I'm starting as a complete novice in this field, has anyone else got off 
> to a flyer using
> a book or web-site they can recommend? Any hints gratefully received, thanks,

This query may be better addressed to beginners-cgi but not a big deal.

Are you starting fresh in Perl? Or just CGI using Perl? Or just cookies specifically? 

In the latter two cases I would suggest reviewing the docs for the CGI.pm module as it 
will explain how to handle CGI requests, build dynamic pages, and part of that will be 
using and setting cookies.  In the first case I would get a foundation in Perl first, 
then move to CGI specifics by starting with the Learning Perl O'Reilly book.  Also 
check out perldoc perlbook


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