11:28am, KEVIN ZEMBOWER wrote:

> Yep, Rob, you're right on the money:
> centernet:/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/cacti8/scripts # head -1 webhits.pl 
> weatherbug.pl|hexdump -c
> 0000000   =   =   >       w   e   b   h   i   t   s   .   p   l       <
> 0000010   =   =  \n   #   !   /   u   s   r   /   l   o   c   a   l   /
> 0000020   b   i   n   /   p   e   r   l  \r  \n  \n   =   =   >       w
> 0000030   e   a   t   h   e   r   b   u   g   .   p   l       <   =   =
> 0000040  \n   #   !   /   u   s   r   /   l   o   c   a   l   /   b   i
> 0000050   n   /   p   e   r   l      \n
> 0000058

This is more of a Unix trick than Perl, but worth mentioning (I guess):
An(other) easy way to check for normally unprintable characters is to "send
your cat to the vet". cat -vet weatherbug.pl
-v show most non-printing characters
-e show end-of-line characters
-t show tabs as ^I

Paul Archer
Sun Solaris instructor and all-around geek

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