I am still struggling through the problem I was having earlier.  However,
I am a great deal further.  I cannot seem to get unlink to delete the
files from the directory.  I have made the script as simple as possible
and cannot get unlink to work.

unlink ("c:\testdir\*030977*.*") || die "unlink failed: $!";

returns an error of

unlink failed: No such file or directory at testunlink.pl line 3.

I know there is a file in the directory named "culinary_file_17030977_work"

I have even simplified further using a file "test.txt" and using

unlink ("test.txt");  this also failed.

I can use "del c:\testdir\*030977*.*" from the command line and the file
is deleted.

I am using Windows XP and ActivePerl 5.8.0.

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