> > I think your pattern match will only catch a literal AZ_OK,
> > not the constant.  And I'm not sure, but AZ_OK might evaluate 
> > to 0.  At least I think I remember having trouble with that 
> > module because it returns 0 on success, and I kept testing 
> > for TRUE/FALSE based on the return status.
> Oh it's a constant! Thanks Tim! I thought it was awfully 
> starnge that it was using numeric operators. I switched to a 
> regex because I kept getting a "non digit used with numeric 
> operator" with use strict.
> So if zero means it worked what means it failed\how can I 
> tell if $rc means 1 or 0 in the traditional sense given the 
> Archive::Zip module's strange return values?
> my $rc = $member->extractToFileNamed($unzippedfile);

Ok here's what I've found. If I don't permission to create/write $unzippedfile

$rc = 4
If it works I get 
$rc = 0

Any body know of any documentation on the return codes' numbers and meanings for the 
various Functions of this module? It's cpan page, whileinformative, isn't clear on 
many things like, the return values of functions or actual list of functions and their 
use and meanings.


> >     use Archive::Zip;
> >     ...
> >     my $member = $zip->memberNamed($zippedfile);
> >     my $rc = $member->extractToFileNamed($unzippedfile);
> >     if($rc =~ m/AZ_OK/) { print "ok -$rc-\n; } else { print
> > "Bad -$rc-\n"; }
> > 
> > The code above *always* prints:
> > Bab -0-
> > 
> > But $unzippedfile is created properly, everytime, even if I
> > delete it first and run it again!!! So shouldn't $rc have 
> > AZ_OK in it or even better be 1 on success? Or is writing the 
> > text file in the zip archive to a local text file not 
> > success? What could I be doing wrong/missing?
> > 
> > TIA
> > 
> > Dan
> -- 
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