On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 11:05:19AM -0700 jc wrote:

> I have parse a mailbox in order to grab data from each email.  Simple enough
> right?
> So I tried to use the CPAN module Mail::MboxParser (0.17 version because the
> new one requires more modules than this one) I installed the prerequisite
> MIME::Tools (5 version, not developer) and this went fine.  MIME::Tools also
> requires IO::Stringy, and Mail::Field, Mail::Header, Mail::Internet.  No
> problem, installed all of those.
> However, the Mail::MboxParser, the one that I really need still says it need
> MIME::Tools.  The actual module is called MIME::tools.  I'm wondering if the
> program is so stupid that it doesn't realize this ist he same thing.  Or
> perhaps it's not the same thing and there's a secret to installing these
> modules that I don't know about.

This is a thing I noticed just recently. The thing is: this error
message makes no sense and you can safely ignore it. Why it happens, I
have no idea because

    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl -MMIME::Tools=5 -e1

so it's all fine. Blame it on MIME::Tools...or ExtUtils::MakeMaker, but
not me. :-)

As for using this old version of MboxParser: the additional obligatory
requirements were MIME::QuotedPrint. Clearly, when you were able to
install MIME::Tools, you can install MIME::QuotedPrint, too.

The current version is 0.39 (released yesterday actually; might not yet
have propagated onto every CPAN mirror). It uses a new optional parser
(Mail::Mbox::MessageParser which has been released by David Coppit
shortly ago) which is _very_ fast. But even if you use 0.38 (which is
definitely less experimental), it should be significantly more
performant than 0.17. Also, 0.38 has shown to be relatively bug-free.
Some small changes to your existing scripts might be necessary though,
since the interface changed in a few spots.


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