Hi everyone

I am pretty new to regex's, so I was happy when my text wrapping expression worked - for the most part.

It messes up when I need to wrap lines with \n that don't end in a space.
If there is no space, it places last word on its own line before it should wrap. Otherwise it double \ns the line.

I can't figure out why.

can anyone help me out?

sub quickWrap {
        my $data = @_[0];
        my $wrapAt = 75;
        if (scalar @_ > 1) {
                $wrapAt = @_[1];
        my $wrappedData ="";
        while ($data =~ /[^|\n][^\n]{$wrapAt,}?[ |$|\n]/) {
                $data =~ /([^|\n])([^\n]{1,$wrapAt})( )([\s|\S]*$)/;
                $wrappedData .= "$`$1$2\n";   
                $data = "$4";
        return "$wrappedData$data";


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