On Friday 15 August 2003 19:09, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
> Everyone has been telling you to use strict, and scope the $log
> variable, but no one has run the code they've corrected, or they'd
> spot that scoping $log in the for loop makes in NOT visible in the
> eachFile() function.
> Here's a simple test:
>   for my $x (1, 2, 3) {
>     print_x();
>   }
>   sub print_x {
>     print "x = $x\n";
>   }
> The output is "x = " three times.  If warnings were on, you'd be told
> that an uninitialized value was being used.  If strict was on, you'd
> be told that $x requires a package name on the line where it's being
> printed.
> And you can't get around this just by doing
>   my $x;
>   for $x (1, 2, 3) {
>     print_x();
>   }
> either, because the $x in the for loop is STILL lexically scoped to
> the INSIDE of the loop!
> One way to get around it would be to do:
>   my $x;
>   for (1, 2, 3) {
>     $x = $_;
>     print_x();
>   }
> And another way would be to inline the print_x() function.  In your
> case, these two approaches would look like this:
>   my ($find_log_dir, @valid);
>   for (@logfiles) {
>     $find_log_dir = $_;
>     find(\&each_file, $startdir);
>   }
>   sub each_file {
>     push @valid, $File::Find::name if /$find_log_dir$/;
>   }
> and
>   my @valid;
>   for my $dir (@logfiles) {
>     find(sub { push @valid, $File::Find::name if /$dir$/ },
> $startdir); }

And another way would be:

my $logfile = qr/(?:cron|messages|maillog|ldap)$/;

find( \&eachFile, $startdir );

sub eachFile {
    push @log, $File::Find::name if /$logfile/;

use Perl;

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