Vema Venkata wrote:
Hi Floks

when i am trying to run the following script
it is getting executed but when iam tryint to execute thru corntab it is not?can any one suggest

the script name is *******************************************************************************
pgrep -f $xapipgm > /dev/null
# runrc=$?
# echo "Return Code is: $?"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
set `pgrep -f $xapipgm `
echo "AHD XAPI Server ($xapipgm) Running with Process Id: $1"
else echo "AHD XAPI Server is now Started Running on `date`.">log/init/ahdxapi.init.$1$2$3.$4$5.log
set `date '+%Y %m %d %H %M' `
perl -w $xapipgm > log/init/ahdxapi.init.$1$2$3.$4$5.log 2>log/init/ahdxapi.init.$1$2$3.$4$5.err
#perl -w $4$5>log/init/ahdxapi.init
********************************************************************************corn tab settings

1-59 * * * * . /home/paradigm/.profile; /proj/ahd02/CAisd/site/mods/scripts/  > 


doesnt seem to be a perl problem

well why dont you put '. /home/paradigm/.profile ' within your shell script else your shell may not get all the exported variables

You can right a better cron line ( Ofcourse replace $script and $logfile to the values )
* * * * * $script >>$logfile 2>&1

# Run every minute instead of all minutes from 1-59

now get the read the $logfile ( after 1 minute ;-) ) and see if there were some errors


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