Hello all,

I want a variable to be memoized, that is, keep the variable available only
to the function and the value remembered across invocations.  So far, I
have created two versions listed below, both of which "work."  The first
version prints a warning message 'Variable "$bar" will not stay shared ...'
which I would like to avoid by coding The Right Way(TM).  Also, I wonder if
the second version is modular enough so that it can be put in a module and

Is there a better way to memoize?

- Robert


#!/usr/bin/perl -wl
# version 1
use strict

sub foo {
  my $bar=100;
  sub bat {
    return $bar;
  return bat();

print foo();
print foo();
print foo();


#!/usr/bin/perl -wl
# version 2
use strict

my $bar=100;
sub foo {
  return $bar;

print foo();
print foo();
print foo();

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