> am having a problem with my perl scripts in that the news 
> items are not being displayed when i execute the wed pages on 

Where do these "news items" come from?

> which perl is expected to display the news titles. i have 

How does perl get the "news titles" and how are you having it "display" them?

> checked the path were perl is being executed from (checked 
> both in the Apache httpd.conf file and in the scripts) as 
> shown below. am using windows advanced server active perl 5.6 
> apache1.3
> #!d:/intranet/usr/local/perl/bin/perl 
> # Define Variables 
> require "config.cgi"; 
> require "np-lib.cgi"; 
> ##############################################################
> ############ 
> # # 
> # # 
> ###################### 

This doen't tell us anything really, how is it getting the data and what 
is it you're trying to get it to do with thte data and how are oyu trying to do it?

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