Thanks Gabriel - your suggested code


is an improvement - it does capitalise the first
letter - but only of the first word after "SCTN: " so
i get something like

SCTN: This is a section name

What I need is 

SCTN: This Is A Section Name

hope that makes sense! :)

 --- Gabriel Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > 
> Bis wrote:
> > I want to make the case of the first letter of all
> the words in a 
> > selected string to upper case. The code
> > s/\b(\w+)/\u$1\E/g;
> > enables me to do this for the whole document.
> > But the string I want to match and operate on is
> all instances of text 
> > following the string
> > SCTN:
> > as in
> > SCTN: News Analysis
> > or
> > SCTN: Special Report
> > But when I try
> > s/(SCTN:\s*)\b(\w+)/$1\u$2\E/g;
> > nothing seems to change? : (
> > Bis 
> My guess (without actually trying) is the word
> boundary marker (\b). 
> Since you're grabbing all preceding whitespace you
> can't (in theory) 
> expect it to find whitespace before your word. So...
> try this:
> s/(SCTN:\s*)(\w+)/$1\u$2\E/g;

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