
If you are transfering file from a local machine to a remote machine, you do
not use File::Copy module to copy files.  File::Copy is used for copying
files locally.  You can use Net::FTP to transfer files from one machine to
another.  And of course, you will need a FTP server for the machine
receiving the file.

# Yupapa Web Hosting =^.^=
# Web Site - http://www.yupapa.com
> Hi,
> I've a small script intended for file transfer from a windows machine to
> a remote linux server.  To implement that, I decided to use two module
> i.e File::Basename, File::Copy and CGI.pm.
> The File::Copy is working well locally, but it fails to copy files to a
> remote machine through the Browser. I use CGI.pm to generate a form
> where users could browser and select a file to be transferred.  The
> error message is always: "No such file or directory" though the file or
> directory  exist and permission is set 777.
> What may be the case? Any suggestion on how to transfer file to remote
> location?
> I'm not sure whether it will be applicable to use file handles and use a
> loop to read the files from the source location and write them to a
> destination folder.
> Thanks for any help
> ##############################################
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use CGI qw/ :standard/;
> my $cgi = new CGI;
> use File::Basename;
> if( param()){
> upload_file(param("upload_file"));
> } else {
> print_form();
> }
> #### Subroutine to transfer file ###########
> sub upload_file{
> my ($file, $file_destination, $file_name, $forwarded_value);
>    $original_src = $forwarded_value = $_[0];
> $file_destination = q(/data/Software_Pakete);
> $forwarded_value =~ s/\\/\//g;
> $file_name = basename("$forwarded_value");
> if (copy("$original_src","$file_destination/$file_name")){
> print_success()
> }
> else{
> print_error("$forwarded_value","$file_destination/$file _name")
> }

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