Windows is a little weird here because of the way long filenames are
supported.  You need to use the short name of the directory, which is the
first 6 letters - a tilda - and a number (always 1, unless there multiple
files with the same first 6 chars).

This works for me:
print <c:/progra~1/*.*>;


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Citek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: REPOST - print <c:\program files\*.*>;

Hello Edward,

At 05:07 PM 9/5/2003 +0800, Edward Yang wrote:
>The problem is I do not get correct result from the following code:
>print <c:\program files\*.*>;
>print <c:\\program files\\*.*>;

I don't use perl in Windows, but I can simulate a similar result on Linux
or Mac OS X:
  mkdir "foo bar"
  cd "foo bar"
  touch a b c
  cd ..
  perl -le 'print join("\n", <foo bar/*>);

I can get things to work by adding in two back slashes befor the space in
the name:
  perl -le 'print join("\n", <foo\\ bar/*>);

Perhaps this will work with Windows as well.

- Robert

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