Yes, his machine could very well have Telnet Server installed  -- see below

-----Original Message-----
From: R. Joseph Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 1:37 PM
To: Nitin Aggarwal
Subject: Re: retrieve command data from DOS using telnet

Nitin Aggarwal wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am writing this code to telnet into windows machine.
> The code works fine on the unix machine and runs the command 'ps -ef'. On
W2K I am trying to telnet into the machine and to recognize the prompt 'C:\'
. but it keeps on giving the error 'time-out. I have tried different
combinations of the Regexp for the dos prompt but nothing seems to work. At
certain expression it compiles but doesn't print.
> I tried the other way of using the "wait for" method (case2:)and use
buffer. In that it is able to print what is in the buffer but not the exact
output of the command.
> Say if you want to telnet to DOS machine and print the command 'dir' on
that machine and see the output on your machine.
> case 1:
> my $hostname = '';
> my $prompt1 = '/\>$/';
> my $name = 'administrator';
> my $password = 'nn';
> my $string = 'net start ';
> my $session1 = Net::Telnet->new(Host => $hostname,) ;
>   $session1->login(Name => $name, Password => $password, Prompt =>
>   or print "2"; #login using username/pass.
> my @output = $session1->cmd(String => $string, Prompt => $prompt1,);#pass
> print scalar "Command output: @output\n"; # resultant output is stored
line by line in @output array.
> my @output1 = $session1->print('net start');
> print "output1: @output1\n";
> case 2:
> my @before = $session1->waitfor('/successfully/');
> print "before: @before\n";
> $session1->close;
> Would appreciate if someone can help.
> thanks
> N A

Does your Windows machine have a telnet server?!?  I envy you, I guess.
When I try reaching my laptop from my desktop via command line, I get:
Greetings! E:\d_drive\perlStuff>telnet
Connecting To not open a connection to host: Connect

Unless you have a telnet server installed on the target machine, this may be
the explanation.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# telnet
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
Microsoft (R) Windows (TM) Version 5.00 (Build 2195)
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service
Telnet Server Build 5.00.99206.1
login: Adminstrator
password: *************

Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Server.
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is BCD1-771B

 Directory of C:\

11/15/2002  03:52p      <DIR>          BUEXEC_INSTALL
11/12/2002  06:22p      <DIR>          compaq
11/12/2002  06:16p      <DIR>          CPQSYSTEM
04/07/2003  08:53p      <DIR>          Documents and Settings
11/12/2002  06:06p      <DIR>          Inetpub
06/05/2003  10:41a      <DIR>          mrtg
09/05/2003  12:06a      <DIR>          Program Files
11/12/2002  07:12p      <DIR>          spacks
08/29/2003  05:11p      <DIR>          sql2ksp3
08/06/2003  02:42p      <DIR>          temp
01/17/2003  02:37p      <DIR>          VERITAS
09/03/2003  06:58p      <DIR>          WINNT
09/03/2003  04:28p      <DIR>          ~wingrep.t
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
              13 Dir(s)   2,383,123,456 bytes free


Yeah, his Win2K machine has Telnet Server. So does mine. But to access it
from a non-NTLM-able OS you need to set NTLM to allow username and password
to authenticate. For more information search for "Using Telnet Server" from

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