> Hi,


> you can use split for this sort of thing. For example:
> my $string = "hello there";
> # add an extra '.' for every character you want
> my @pairs = split(/(..)/, $string);
> The only thing you want to be careful about is empty 
> quotes/nothing (e.g. ''). For example, if we wanted to print 
> the character pairs:
> foreach(@pairs)
> {
>       # we'll skip on the empty elements
>       if($_ eq '')
>       {
>               next;
>       }
>       # print each pair, preceded by a *
>       # you could push onto another array instead
>       print "*$_";
> }
> Can't think of anything more code efficient at the moment but 
> I hope this helps.

How about this instead of a zillion lines?

for(split(/(..)/, $string)) { print "*$_" if $_; }

Although wouldn't that mean every second pair of characters would be missing?
But as for efficiency or just plain, one line sexxyness that look swell to me!



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