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Thanks to Jeff and George for help with my last question!

Now, say I make an instance as follows...

    { package Generic;
      sub MakeInstance {
        my $class = shift;
        my $name = shift;
        bless \$name, $class;
    { package MyClass;
      use base qw(Generic);
    my $blessed_ref = MyClass->MakeInstance('my string');

Assuming I don't know .. how can I determine which class $blessed_ref
was blessed into? I was thinking I could simply shift off the class
using some method and return the result. That would produce something
like "MyClass=REF(0xf00ba7)" which I could s/=\(\w+\)// to get the
class name, but that seems like a horrible kludge to me (not to
mention it may not work). Is there a better way?

Next question. I want to make a series of methods to dereference
instances for me automagically as follows...

    { package Generic;
      sub ReturnDeref {
        ref $_[0]
          ? Deref_($_[0])
          : $_[0];
      sub Deref_ {
        if    (ref($_[0]) eq 'SCALAR') { $$_[0] }
        elsif (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY')  { @$_[0] }
        elsif (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH')   { %{$_[0]} }
        # etc... for each ref type.

The above *seems* to be okay (at least returns no errors, warnings or
diagnostics). Where I'm having the trouble is when getting the data in
and out as below...

    my @names_array = qw/ tom dick harry /;
    my $array_instance = MyClass->MakeInstance([EMAIL PROTECTED]);
    print ref $array_instance->ReturnDeref, "\n"; # \n is optional

This is clearly wrong, since it prints nothing. I would have expected
STDOUT like "ARRAY". What am I doing wrong?

I'm guessing that instead of Generic->MakeInstance, I should perhaps
have a Generic->BlessScalar, Generic->BlessArray, & Generic->BlessHash
etc. But I was sort of hoping for a compact one-size-fits-all solution
if that's possible. Any ideas? Am I on the right track or way off base
or what?

- -- 
 Shaun Fryer
 ph: 905-529-0591

Science is like sex: occasionally something useful
comes out of it, but that's not why we do it.
- -: Richard Feynmann
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