On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Paul Kraus wrote:

> Perl was pretty much my first language. Not counting Business Basic and same
> old Pascal from high school. The more I learn the more I see that perl can
> handle just about anything I want to do. How do you go about deciding if you
> should use another tool such as C++ over perl? I am thinking about learning
> another language and trying to decide what language would be best to learn.
> To expand my skill set. Suggestions, Ideas, Book Recommendations?

I would suggest learning several things:

1. C is a good language to know as it is very close to machine language
and gives you important insights about programming and computers
architecture. I can't really recommend a book because I first learned it
from the Turbo C++ 3.0 manual, but I heard K&R's or "A Book on C" are

2. The book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is very
interesting and enlightening. It is available online here:


It teaches programming through Scheme, a dialect of LISP that is very
similar to Perl. I fully understood closures after reading this book.
I also suggest doing some of the exercises in the book, because they give
a whole new dimension to learning it.

3. After you tackled Scheme and lexical scoping, then Lambda Calculus is
an extra useful enlightenment. It's a very minimalistic language that is
actually quite usable. I learned LC from a book I found about it in the
library, but I wrote a lecture about it with detailed slides:


4. I found learning Haskell to be quite enlightening and I still like to
experiment with it on occasions. I learned it from the so-called "Gentle
Introduction to Haskell":


O'Caml is a similar language that is more usable, but less elegant.

5. Matlab is a very nice tool for making engineering calculations. If you
deal with these kind of things, it is useful to know. Perl has an
equivalent toolkit in PDL - the Perl data language.

6. Paul Graham's "On Lisp" book is also very nice.


Available for free download online.



        Shlomi Fish

> Paul Kraus

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/

An apple a day will keep a doctor away. Two apples a day will keep two
doctors away.

        Falk Fish

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