Hey Perl Peps,

I am stuck in the mudd and hoping someone can give me a few clues that will help get 
me back on track.

I want to submit some arguments like so:
./script1.pl -book  -title HP3 -chapter 04 

 NOTE: -book does not have an argument
Now I have been using GetOpt::Long and everything works except the first value -book. 
Since I want to treat -book like a boolean, I do
not give it value, which causes problems because I guess it needs to receive some sort 
of value in it's current format. This is causing problems
where the value of the second argument -title does not show. Is there a syntactical 
form I can follow to treat -book like a boolean and feed the other arguments
values? Can I continue to use Getopt::Long?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
#use strict;

GetOptions  (    
                "book=s" =>\$book,
                "magazine=s" =>\$magazine,
                "video=s" =>\$video,
                "c=s" => \$chapter,
                "t=s" => \$title,

##Routes to appropriate subroutine
print "SHOW TEST: $sPath\n";
if ($book) {
    itemCreator($chapter, $title);
sub showCreator {
        my($chapter, $title) = @_;
        print "\n"; 
        print "CHAPTER: $chapter\n";  ###Not appearing because -book did not receive 
an arguement :(
        print "TITLE: $title: $template\n";

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