I posted a problem to the mailing list with a similar question I had some
time ago regarding replacing data between fields.  Unfortunately, I am
having a difficult time with the problem.  I am including the code and a
sample of the data.  Could someone please give me a clue as to why this is
not working.  I have exhausted myself before re-contacting the list.  When
I run the code, the file remains exactly the same and nothing is changed

########################   BEGIN CODE  ##########################
use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;

my $file10 = "C:/Test_Folder/test_data/input.txt";                       
#declare the input
file as the static file name
open(FILE,"<$file10") || die "Could not open file for reading!
$!";                #open file for reading
open(TEMP,">$file10.tmp") || die "Could not open file for writing!
$!";                #open file for writing
while(<FILE>){                   #begin while
        s{ (?<=HOW) (.+?) (?=NUMBER:) } { ( $a = $1 ) =~ tr/\t/ /; $a     
        print TEMP $_;                #print result to temp file
}                        #end while
#Close the files.  This should happen automatically, but the routine is
written for safety
close FILE || die "Could not close file! $!";
close TEMP || die "Could not close file! $!";
unlink $file10;                                                       
#remove the old file
rename("$file10.tmp",$file10) || die "The file could not be renamed!
$!";                #rename the temp file to the old file's name

#####################  END CODE #####################################

Here is a sample of the data file:

Name:<tab>John Smith<tab>Address: 1234 Sparrow Ave.<tab>HOW MANY CHILDREN:
13<tab>City: New York<tab>State: New York<tab>Zip: 11011

Obviously, I do not want all of the useless information between Address
and City.  I want to delete everything between HOW and NUMBER: (including
the HOW and NUMBER:<tab>)  So my file will look like this:

Name:<tab>John Smith<tab>Address: 1234 Sparrow Ave.<tab>City: New
York<tab>State: New York<tab>Zip: 11011

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