Fernando wrote:
> I'm quite new to Perl so please bear with me :)

We have no choice: this is, after all, perl.beginners!

> I've experience in Delphi so I thought I knew about objects... it
> seems I don't :(

Yes you do :) But you're confusing methodologies with implementations.

> I want to have a class I won't instanciate (static members and
> variables), with global vars so I can access them and change them from
> within threads/forks.

Threads and forks are something layered on top of Perl, and therefore
implicitly non-standard, beyond an explicit Perl version.

> use FOO;

Which will try to compile FOO.pm and to execute FOO::import.

> FOO->make();
> FOO->make();

The constructor for a Perl object is, traditionally, 'new'. But
this is not bound by the language and can have any name that you
want. However this looks like two instantiations, which you said
you weren't doing, and both of which are discarded (in either
Delphi or Perl) so I don't see what you're trying to do here.

> use Thread;
> my $t = new Thread \&th1;
> my $u = new Thread \&th2;
> sub th1() { while (1) { FOO->make(); sleep(1); } }
> sub th2() { while (1) { print "\t"; FOO->make(); sleep(2); } }

Again I am disconcerted, as you have an object instantion
in each of two threads, which is immediately discarded.

> while (1) {}
> -- FILE FOO.pm
> package FOO;
> %FOO::e = {};

This wouldn't compile if you wore the helmet of Perl
salvation, being:

  use strict;   # always
  use warnings; # usually

You're trying to set a hash (being a list of paired values)
to a single value (which is an empty hash reference).

> sub make {
>   my $self = shift;
>   %FOO::e->{'something'} = %FOO:e->{'something'} + 1;
>   print %FOO::e->{'something'}."\n";
> }

This declares 'FOO::make' because of your 'package' statement
above. Call it 'FOO::new' to make others in the Perl world
feel at home.

Any constructor parameters are values to help form the object.
Your constructor cannot have a $self parameter as, if
it is useful at all, it is to copy values from an existing
object of the same type or of a subclass. It will usually be
called 'clone'.

Back to your top line:

> So I can access them and change them from within threads/forks

Within a single thread, you could declare or require another
module containing

  package MODULE;

  our $var1;
  our $var2;


Which will be accessible externally as $MODULE::var1,
$MODULE::var2. You could also 'use' that code as an external
module which will let you access synonyms to those values
in the current package as $var1, $var2 etc. Unless you have
a comprehensive requirement IMO this is not worth considering.

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