In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, R. Joseph Newton wrote:

> Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
>> I thought the easy way to do this is to first assign my entire 'en' data
>> structure to the 'de' structure and then add 'de' values as available.
>> So I did this:
>> $text{'main'}{'de'} =  $text{'main'}{'en'};
>>         $text{'main'}{'de'} = {  # German labels
>>             'alias_sub'         =>  "ALIAS",
>>             'user_sub'          =>  "BENUTZER",
>>         };
>> But this assignment doesn't seem to work. Can I not do this?
> I bet it does.  Just not the way you want it to.

I'll have to maybe try a smaller sample and then look at them with
Data::Dumper (I'm a little slow sometimes)

> *Hash-based structures do not have columns or support parallelism*

Writing it on the wall!  ;-)

> I'd suggest a little restructuring:
> $text{'main'} = {
>     'alias_sub'  => {'en' => 'Alias', 'de' => 'Allas'},
>     'user_sub'  => {'en'  => 'User', 'de' => 'Benutzer'},
> ...
> }

Too late for me, and I wanted something where someone could say, okay, now
lets add Bulgarian. So I keep each language separate.

> A little less elegant when it comes to accessing it, but if you see the
> potential for forgetting the German counterparts as serious, this would
> make it much less likely.

I think the better approach for me is that when my get_lang routine is
called to provide language for a prompt that if, for example,
$text{main}{de}{alias_sub} does not exist, that the other entry is
substituted. I think I can figure that out...

Thanks for the help and advice!

Kevin Pfeiffer
International University Bremen

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