I have had a request to pull 100,000+ names from a mailing list of 600,000+. I was hoping to figure out a way to get perl to help me do this. I stumbled through this code but the problem is I just wanted to know how to delete a line from the first list so I can be sure I dont pull the same 'random' line twice. Any help would be appreciated. I know this code sucks but I am not a programmer. open FEDOUT, ">c:\\perl\\bin\\129out.csv" or die "The Program has failed opening 129Out.csv: $!"; $x=1; $z=633856; print "1"; while ($x <= 129000) { open(FEDUP, "All.csv") or die "Can't find All.csv: $!\n"; $y = int(rand($z)+1); $a=1;
while ($a < $y) { $line = <FEDUP>; # print $a," ",$y,"Z=", $z, "\n"; $a=$a+1; } print $x,"...", $y,"...", $z,"...", $a,"...", $line,"...","\n"; print (FEDOUT $line); $a=1; $y=1; $x=$x+1; close FEDUP; } print $x; close FEDOUT; close FEDUP; Douglas Holeman Prepress Manager