> Since, everyone is so lively today, I'm going to push my luck today with
> this list. I need a little help here with validating a string to have only
> characters that I want, A-z and _ (underscore).
> So, this is what I'm stuck on:

In what way are you stuck?

> #should fail because of space
> $username="bob by";
> if(&isValidChars($username))
>  ...
> #is there a better way but it isn't working anyway.
> sub isValidChars
> { my $retVal;
>   @chars=split(//,$_[0]);
>   for(@chars)
>   {
>     if($_ =~ /A-z/) { print "good [" . $_ . "]\n"; $retVal=1; }
>     else { print "bad [" . $_ . "]\n"; $retVal=0; break; }

Where did you declare break.  It is not part of the Perl language AFAIK.

>   }
>   return $retval;
> }

The best advice I can give is to always place
use strict;
use warnings;

before any other code in your script.

FWIW, last will serve the same function in Perl as break does in C.


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