On Thursday, October 2, 2003, at 05:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if ( ! defined $x )

I read up on defined and undefined. But I'm looking for a test that will
this return true or false to a var condition:

perldoc -f defined

perldoc -f undef

The second is a little different than what you think though.

 sub isNULL

if ( ! defined($_[0]) || $_[0] eq '') { return 1; } else { return; }

 # my goal is all three return the same as
 # my proposed sub isNULL()
 my $x;   # undefined
 $x="";   # zero length
 $x='';   # zero length

That last two are identical.

If you don't mind considering 0s NULL too, you can do even better:

do_something() if $x; # won't happen on undef, '' or 0 values for $x

Would the new sub do or is there a better?

A sub is better for a complex check most likely. Especially if you intend to do it repeatedly.


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