Steve Piner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 00:10:57 -0700 (PDT), <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >both of these works:
> >
> >>> return (getVUser($dbh,$u,$d))->rows();
> >and
> >    return getVUser($dbh,$u,$d)->rows();
> The first version works, but I'd recommend avoiding it as it suggests that 
> the following should work similarly - but it doesn't.
> print (getVUser($dbh,$u,$d))->rows();

Why not just stick with what you *know* works all the time,
and what is IMHO clearest and easiest to understand - your
original code:

  $sth = getVUser($dbh,$u,$d);
  return $sth->rows();

I think that was it, wasn't it?

Hardy Merrill
Red Hat, Inc.

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