Hi Rob.

I'm trying to help. Really I am. But first of all it looks
like you should be writing a bash script file (Perl isn't
a scripting language).

Please explain:

Rmck wrote:
> I have a script that I what the last part of the element of
> an array? So I can restart the script with the same element.
> Help:
> #!/bin/perl
> use strict;
> # Need IP of current procees so I can re-start it.
> # How it is returned:
> #     root  6762  1355  0   Oct 05 pts/2    0:00 /bin/perl -w ./script.pl 
> #
> my @ip = `ps -ef|grep script.pl|grep -v grep`;

This will grab the output of the command line into a
Perl array '@ip' of output records.

You seem to be doing this so that you can get the PID '6762'
from the output?

> # Grab PID of current procees so I can kill it.
> # How it is returned:
> #6762
> #
> my @script = `pgrep script.pl`;

OK, now you're getting the output records of another command
into another array '@script' which you never use again.

You seem to be doing this so that you can get the PID '6762'
from the output in a different way?

> foreach (@nab) {
> print("Killing $_\n");
> }

You're printing the contents of Perl array @nab (which you
haven't used before) saying that each element has been
'killed'. The array is empty and this will output nothing.

> foreach (@ip){
> print "/opt/script.pl $_\n";
> }

And now you're printing the contents of '@ip' with each
record prefixed with '/opt/script.pl ' and an additional
newline appended.

> ###############
> whats displayed:
> bash-2.03# ./ks.pl
> Killing 6762
> /opt/script.pl     root  6762  1355  0   Oct 08 pts/2    0:00 /bin/perl -w 
> ./script.pl
> bash-2.03#
> I would lilke it to:
> bash-2.03# ./ks.pl
> Killing 6762
> /opt/script.pl &
> bash-2.03#

This part I don't understand at all. Perhaps others do?

What is 'ks.pl'? Is it the name of the Perl script that
you've shown us?

> Please advise...And of course thanks

You're writing a Perl program which essentially runs 'ps'
and prints the output slightly reformatted.

Try to explain what it is you want to do.

And I still think you should be writing a bash script!

I hope this helps in some way.


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