Bill Akins
Emory Healthcare
(404) 712-2879 - Office
12674 - PIC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 10/10/03 08:57AM >>> 

>i search hiw can i work on time. 
>i want to get day number and make -1 

Try this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my @now     = localtime;
my $sec     = ( $now[0] );
my $min     = ( $now[1] );
my $hr      = ( $now[2] );
my $day     = ( $now[3] );
my $mth     = ( $now[4] + 1 );
my $yr      = ( $now[5] + 1900 );
$day = ($day -1);
print "Yesterday was $mth/$day/$yr\nor if on the other side of the pond, 

I hope that helps!

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