simran wrote:

> I wrote my self this subroutine... which comes in very handy :-)
> ..snip
> sub strip {
>   my $self = shift;
>   my $ref  = shift;
>   if (! ref($ref)) {
>     $ref =~ s/(^[\s\t]*)|([\s\t]*$)//g if (defined $ref);

Why is it better to do this in two steps? Read through this FAQ
perldoc -q 'How do I strip blank space from the beginning/end of a string'

\s includes \t, the character class [\s\t] is uneccessary. The capture in your regex
match can also be avoided, you might want to a look at the '?:' extended pattern in
perldoc perlre. The 'g' modifier does not server any purpose, it would if used along 
the 's' or 'm' modifier.

>     return $ref;
>   }
>   elsif (ref($ref) =~ /^ARRAY$/i) {

This could just have been elsif (ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY'), avoid regexes if possible.

>     foreach my $i (0 .. $#$ref) {
>       $ref->[$i] =~ s/(^[\s\t]*)|([\s\t]*$)//g;
>     }
>   }
>   elsif (ref($ref) =~ /^HASH$/i) {
>     while (my ($key, $value) = each %$ref) {
>       delete $ref->{$key};
>       $key         =~ s/(^[\s\t]*)|([\s\t]*$)//g;
>       $value       =~ s/(^[\s\t]*)|([\s\t]*$)//g;
>       $ref->{$key} = $value;
>     }
>   }
>   elsif (ref($ref) =~ /^SCALAR$/i) {
>     $$ref =~ s/(^[\s\t]*)|([\s\t]*$)//g;
>   }
>   else {
>     die "Unknown reference type";
>   }
> }

This is another approach for the same problem, you can use this for starters :-)
The arguments passed to a subroutine in the @_ arrays are aliases for the original
parameters (perldoc perlsub). You can make use of that here.

sub trim {
    foreach (@_) {
        my $ref_to = ref ($_);
        SWITCH: {
            (!$ref_to) && do {
                last SWITCH;
            ($ref_to eq 'SCALAR') && do {
                ${$_} =~ s/^\s+//;
                ${$_} =~ s/\s+$//;
                last SWITCH;
            ($ref_to eq 'ARRAY') && do {
                foreach my $arr_elem (@{$_}) {
                    $arr_elem =~ s/^\s+//;
                    $arr_elem =~ s/\s+$//;
                last SWITCH;
            ($ref_to eq 'HASH') && do {
                foreach my $hash_val (%{$_}) {
                    $hash_val =~ s/^\s+//;
                    $hash_val =~ s/\s+$//;
                last SWITCH;
            print "Invalid parameter\n";


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