On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 16:06:32 +0000, bastidas wrote:
> Suppose I have a file with, for example, 10 lines, every one composed by
> a inferior value and a superior value and a string. Every inferior value
> is equal to superior value of the before line. On the other hand, I have
> other file with, for example, 1000 lines with a only column of values and 
> I want to create another column here with the value of the string if the
> value of the column is between two values (inferior-superior) of the same 
> line in the first file, I mean, it would be several consecutive lines
> with the value of the string of the line 1 of first file, after, several
> consecutive lines with the value of the string of the line 2, and so on.

Quite hard to understand what you mean, but I'll give it a try.  Please
have in mind that the code below is untested.

Let's say that the first file has only 1 column with numbers, while
the second file has 3 columns separated with one more more spaces.

  use strict;
  use warnings;

  my %data = ();
  open( F1, 'file1.txt' ) || die "$!\n";
  while ( <F1> ) {
      s,^\s+,,; # Remove leading spaces
      s,\s+$,,; # Remove trailing spaces
      $data{ $_ } = '';
  close( F1 );

  open( F2, 'file2.txt' ) || die "$!\n";
  while ( <F2> ) {
      s,^\s+,,; # Remove leading spaces
      s,\s+$,,; # Remove trailing spaces
      my ($inf, $sup, $str) = split(/\s+/, $_, 3);
      foreach ( keys %data ) {
          if ( $_ > $inf && $_ < $sup ) {
              $data{ $str } = $str;
  close( F2 );

  # You might want to sort %data here

  foreach ( keys %data ) {
      print $_ . "\t" . $data{ $_ } . "\n";

Hope this helps!

Tore Aursand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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