Paul Harwood wrote:
> I want to search a directory of log files and populate a list of those
> log files ONLY if they match today's date (localtime).
> $logs = 'c:\logs\W3SVC1';
> opendir LOGS, "$logs" or die "Can't open directory:  $!\n";
> my @files = grep /\.TXT$/, readdir LOGS;
> #Right here, I am wondering if there is a simple way of populating @files
> by using a date comparison operation of each file to the local time. I've
> tried long complicated methods of using 'stat' and Time::Local but I was
> hoping for a simpler solution.

Ah, a simple solution.  :-)

( my $date = localtime ) =~ s'\d+:\d+:\d+'\d+:\d+:\d+';

my @files = grep localtime( (stat)[9] ) =~ $date, <c:/logs/W3SVC1/*.TXT>;

print "@files\n";

use Perl;

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