Hi Joseph.

R. Joseph Newton  wrote:
> Jonathan Mangin wrote:
> >
> > Jeez, this is a beginner's list? Y'all are defining my
> > ignorance of this here purrl stuff. I hope someone with
> > patience can help me out. In a simple login/registration
> > program using 5.6.1...
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
> > use strict;
> Something is screwy here ...
> > [CGI and DBI stuff]
> >
> > $countryid="1";
> Where did this come from if you are using strict?  Unless you
> declared $countryid elsewhere [not a good idea], you should
> have received an error on this line.

As a beginner it's difficult to know what of your code is
relevant to the question and what's not. Perl suffers from being
programmed as if it were C, C++, or shell script instead of what
it actually is. This looks like C programming to me, where all
the variables are declared at the beginning of the file and then
forgotten about. Whatever, since there's a 'use strict' in there
there can be no mistyped identifiers and the code is unambiguous
at this point: '$countryid' must have been declared and now has
the value '1' (albeit a string).

> Note:  You can, and really should, have whitespace between
> binary operators and their operands.  You gain no efficiency
> by torturing your eyes unnecessarily.

This is a good place to mention

  perldoc perlstyle

which is as good a set of layout rules as any.

> Please repost with more context, particularly showing the
> declarations of te variables used.

The problem seems to be a misunderstanding of both references
and declarations. Feedback from Jonathan will hopefully tell us!



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