> Andrew Shitov wrote:
> >> This will call a new perl process, and may be more expensive on the 
> >> system. On the other hand I can do
> > 
> > <...>
> > 
> >> But How do I get the reponse of the script.
> > 
> > 
> > Probably the simpliest way is to make called script a module and run it 
> > using either 'use' or 'require'.
> > 
> Precisely , But That is something I cannot do because the script is in a 
> file which is written on the fly by the client end settings.
> Ideally it should have been such a way that The client settings are 
> written into a configuration file  and the program reads the 
> configuraton file and runs the condition.
> The point over here is , Is it possible to use the existing instance of 
> perl running main to run the child program and return the output

'require' is runtime not compile time, so assuming you can regulate the
sequence of events, aka the file is known to be written (or testable in
a loop) before the call to require then this will still work even if the
file does not exist at runtime.  If you are worried about the require
failing because of a missing file then wrap the whole construct in an
'eval' and catch the exceptions (which you should do anyways). 

... still isn't a compelling reason to call one Perl script from another...


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