Anthony, Mark. Please bottom-post so that people can understand
the conversation. Thanks.

Anthony J Segelhorst wrote:
> Mark wrote:
> >
> > Anthony J Segelhorst wrote:
> >
> > > I am strapped for time on the run time on a perl script I
> > > have been working on.
> > >
> > > I was wondering if it is possible to open another shell
> > > within a perl script that will call another script that
> > > uses another processes.
> > >
> > > If I call script B from script A, script A will not
> > > complete until script B is done running.  Is there a way
> > > to run script B within another shell or process?
> >
> > But you want to run them in parallel? You will need threads.
> I do not think I need to run them in parallel.  I just need
> to finish in under 60 seconds and can
> take as long as it needs to. is only called when
> needs to call it.
> I got some info on this:  % perldoc -f fork
> I am confused about the syntax of the fork though.  Does
> anyone have any examples?

Hi Anthony.

Can you explain why you want to shell out to another Perl
process? I gathered from your description that you wanted to
speed up your application by accessing a bottleneck in parallel.
If your new process is started synchronously then you will gain
no speed advantage.

What version of Perl are you working with? Perl v5.8 has much
enhanced multithreading functionality.



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