> I am writing a Perl script for Solaris box. The script needs 
> to send email. The company uses Microsoft Exchange Server, 
> and the Solaris box Sendmail installed (though I'm having 
> problems installing Mail::Sendmail from CPAN).
> Any suggestions, please?

Yes, do somethgin that won't matter what OS or mail system anyone invloved has.

Net::SMTP is very nice.

Mail::Sender is a fav of mine.

Also I'll be releasing a module that has a function I use all the time 
To send text/html/attachements etc form one simple interface.
It's basically a simplified interface to Mail::Sender and work like this:

                ip => 'mail.moneky.com',
                to => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
                fr => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
                sb => 'Howdy from me',
                ms => $textversion,
                ht => $htmlversion,
                at => { attachemnt info }

You can do SMTP authorization, priority, receipts, and anythgin you can do with 
However it handles doing the proper Open and OpenMultipart and all of that depending 
on if 
'ht' (IE html content) is specified and 'at' (IE attachments) are specified among 
other things. 

It also has a simplified error handling system:

        if(!emailx({...})) { print $PackageName::Error; }

I've found it extrememly useful and hope everyone else does also, once I finish.

Just keep watching http://search.cpan.org/~dmuey/ for the big day! :)



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