On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:45:58 -0500, Jimstone77 wrote:
>      open(OLD,">$old") or die "Can't Open File: $!";
>         flock OLD, 2;
>       open(NEW,$new) or die "Can't Open File: $!";
>          flock NEW, 2;
>        while (<OLD>) {
>           if ($_ =~ /NO_EMAIL/) { 
>            $count++;
>           }
>           else {
>               print NEW $_;
>           }
>        }
>      close(NEW) or die "Can't Close File: $!";
>     close(OLD) or die "Can't Close Old: $!";

First of all:  Post your _actual_ code.  The code above won't even
compile, and it's really easy to see (or find out) why.

Secondly, you're trying to write to a file you opened for reading.

Tore Aursand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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