Le Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 09:59:15PM -0800, R. Joseph Newton a écrit ... 

> > I know that this exists already, but I can't find any code to pinch on
> > the web.  :-(
> >
> > The thing I want to do, is to create a searchable index on a webpage.
> > It's a spoof newsgroup designed to take the piss out of someone on an
> > Internet group.  The address is
> > url:http://www.zeouane.org/peinedemort/gimmicks/
> >
> > I can do the HTML, but as it'll be a CGI, I reckon, there's going to be
> > a fair bit of perl lurking in the background.  :-)

> Don't expect a whole lot of help with this here.  We actually like
> newsgroups to work properly.  Spoofing is not good for anyone,
> particularly the person who does it.

Perhaps I should be more precise.  The newsgroup is not 'spoofed' in the
sense that I wrote it to 'pretend' to be someone else.  In that context,
it's a 'genuine' site.  A more accurate description would probably have
been 'it's a humour website' ... 

I'll check out CPAN and see if they have anything suitable.  Thanks.


Desmond Coughlan          |'Io non mori, e non rimasi vivo'

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