> Hi all
>  well im trying at lerning this perl stuff.. reading from the "learning
> perl" oreilly book and a few other places,
> but also using perl a long time before i should ie making the below script,
> so that i dont get in to any very bad habbits at such an early stage.
> could some one please have a look at the code below and give comments, the
> code does do what i want it to ( well at leest from this stage).

I would comment on the process here.  I am sure that you know what you want, but do 
we?  Since you say
it does what you want, I assume it compiles.  While it may not be impossible to write 
good code by just
jumping into the coding, it is highly unlikely to happen.

> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> ############################################################
> # this function creates a arf rule file from an input file
> # Version 0.1 6/11/03
> ############################################################

use strict;
use warnings;

> [snip]

Now recompile your code with those two lines at the top, and then repost, referably 
telling us, in
real-world terms, what problem you are trying to solve, or what task you are trying to 
accomplish, with
your program.  Defining your objective is the first step in solid programming.


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