On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 17:06, Dan Muey wrote:
> Howdy group!
> Here's something I was wondering if anyone had experience with.
> If I create a login form with html that takes a username and password.
> What do I need to do to make a script that will take that input 
> and log the user in to an apache .htaccess protected directory?
> Is it a certain format header or ???
> Or would I have to use mod_perl and create a whole separate authentication scheme?
> I'd like to do this:
> 1) Html form sends user an password to login.pl
> 2) login.pl makes sure the info is valid and if it is sends 
> them to http://www.domain.com/admin/ along with the authentication info.
> So the user's process would be this: type in info -> press submit -> Either an Error 
> or they're in.
> And if they went directly to http://www.domain.com/admin/ they'd get 
> the standard login popup form the browser.
> Any info would be most appreciated.

Have a look at the following on CPAN:


Most are implemented via mod_perl.  

Hope this helps,

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